COVID-19 | We have opened our office again and have implemented some COVID-19 safety protocols. Learn More


The WorkBC Find Your Fit Tour is an interactive student based event taking place at Princeton Secondary School on February 6, 2018  from 3:30pm – 7:00pm for students/parents and community members. The event allows students to jump right in and try the skills they’ll need for different careers in demand across BC. Interactive activity stations including welding, carpentry, accounting, and more will help students apply real life experiences to their career planning. Students will also be able to connect with WorkBC’s labour market information, tools and services. Parents are also welcome to attend the event, as they look for ways to educate and support their children in their career exploration.

Find Your Fit is part of the provincial government’s B.C.’s Skills for Jobs Blueprint commitment to re-engineer education and deliver the skilled workforce B.C.’s growing economy needs.

Drop in and explore the program and discover how to ‘find your fit’ for a career! 

SUCCESS… is where preparation & opportunity meet!


We know that Success is happening for people everyday and we really want to share a few training sessions we have coming up to help you prepare for SUCCESS on the job!  Thought leaders believe there are three elements critical to this equation: Timing, Preparation and Passion! Let us help you with the Prep work involved in growing your career or training your workforce! We have a great line up of courses to offer you in at The Princeton & District Community Skills Centre!

Check out what we have in store:


  1. 17th: Occupational First Aid Level 1: Basic First Aid with Adult CPR-A & AED 130.00 +GST
  2. 20th: Community Care First Aid: Great for Mum’s with toddlers and Day Care Workers! 130.00+GST
  3. 28th: Bullying & Harassment: An opportunity to know the law and your rights and responsibilities as both Employees and Employers.
  • AM 9-12 Employees $ 50.00 + GST 
  • PM 1-5 Managers & Supervisors $145.00 GST

Additionally, check out our online partner Education To Go for over 300 skill building training course that you can complete from the convenience of your own computer!

Call us today @ 250-295-4051

Microsoft Office Sampler

Has it been a few years since you worked with Microsoft Office? Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Outlook have changed in the last few years. Version 2013 is the backdrop and each day we will learn each program building on your effectiveness and employment skills. 

January 22-26, 2018

6:00-8:00 pm

$120.00 +GST


December Courses

Coming up in

OFA Level 1 –December 16, 2017 (Saturday)

Fall Arrest, Confined Space and H2S — December 11, 12 & 13, 2017

250-295-4051 to register



HELLO PRINCETON!  Airbrakes is still ALIVE… We just needed to shift dates a bit! 

17th-Friday- 5-9 pm

18th- Saturday – 8- 5 pm

19th- Sunday 8- 5 pm (ish)

This course is a comprehensive 16 hr program that includes the Pre-Trip… all you have to do is the written component at ICBC !

Call us to reserve your spot in our Airbrakes Course TODAY! 250-295-4051


Tentative dates November 7 & 8- 2017

*** Can work towards weekend class if needed.



The Education to Go online learning centre is a division of the Princeton Skills Centre programming department.  These general interest online learning courses are excellent starters or full learning opportunities depending on your needs.  What we mean by this is that sometimes people want to explore an educational area, or they haven’t been in a learning situation for a long time and they are unsure of the commitment, or have never taken an online course before and want to see if they can learn in this style.  There are a variety of reasons why Ed2Go may be the right fit.

Without making a large commitment of say $600-700 for a course and 6 months of your time, Ed2Go is extremely affordable with most courses starting at $115.00 + GST and requires only 6 weeks of your time.


Over 300 online courses.  Check out what we have to offer through


education to go

2017-2018 Course Calendar is in the MAKING!!!

job training princeton bc

We are hard at work putting together Professional & Personal Development for the Princeton & Surrounding Areas!  Offering numerous courses Onsite in Health & Safety, Computers, & Hospitality and  Over 300+ Online Courses in Business, Computers, Health and Wellness thru our Education Partner @ Ed 2 Go! We will be continuing to offer our MATRIX Employment Programs for Youth and Specialized Employment Services thru WORKBC. 

Oh and Hey… we are going GREEN this year!  You will be able to view our calendar anytime online and we will make copies available to you in our centre as well! 

Look for Our Calendar in a few short days 🙂