COVID-19 | We have opened our office again and have implemented some COVID-19 safety protocols. Learn More

Its Job Fair Season

If you are an Employer wanting to connect with potential team members or a job seeker hoping for some “face time” with the business, then plan to attend April 30, 2024.

Employers, please register with WorkBC at 250-295-4051 so we can make sure we are set and ready for you.  Job Seekers brush your resume up by checking our resources at the WorkBC office.


Mental Health safeTalk Training comes to Princeton- MARCH 13th; from 1-4 pm

Do you or your Health & Safety team, staff or community agencies know how to recognize signs, engage with a person with thoughts of suicide? 


Learn with us help connect them to an intervention resource for safety and further supports. This Life Saving Workshop will be at the Skills Centre, March 13th from 1-4pm.

Call us to RSVP your teams spots at the Princeton Skills Centre 250-295-4051 or email us @


Mental Health First Aid Training Feb 22 & 23! REDUCED RATE!!


Join Us on February 22 & 23rd, 2024 for two days of Mental Health First Aid Training!
This comes to you at a significant discount of $85.00 pp
Drop in, Call or email us today to secure your name on a seat! We always love when you drop into Princeton & District Community Skills Centre ! 250-295-4051
We are conveniently located at 206 Vermilion and are a fully accessible location with a Rick Hansen Certification that we are proud of!

WORKSAFE BC Occupational First Level 1 Feburary 8th & 24th- PRINCETON!

Join us for 1st Aid! 

Occupational First Aid Training Level 1, British Columbia | Metro Safety

Nanaimo OFA Level 1 or Equivalent Course at Alert First Aid

Occupational First Aid Level 1 (OFA 1) is an 8-hour course that prepares workers to be first aid attendants in relatively low-risk environments where a hospital is close by. This course is designed by Worksafe BC and focuses specifically on caring for injured coworkers.

First Aid Attendant Certification

In B.C., workplace first aid attendants must have a certificate that’s recognized by WorkSafeBC. There are three levels of occupational first aid (OFA) and one OFA certificate endorsement. The level of first aid services required for a workplace depends on the number of workers, distance to medical aid, and industry hazard rating.

OFA Level 1 Basic level first aid training and certification
OFA Level 2 Intermediate-level first aid training and certification
OFA Transportation Endorsement Training required for transportation of injured workers as required by Schedule 3-A
OFA Level 3 Advanced level of first aid training and certification

Our cost to you is $189. Drop in, Call or email us today to secure your name on a seat! We always love connecting with community!

Ph: 250-295-4051

We are conveniently located at 206 Vermilion and are a fully accessible location with a Rick Hansen Certification that we are proud of! 

A Canada, and B.C. Collaboration improves Career Opportunities for Young Adults in PRINCETON!

Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills

Canada, B.C. collaboration improves career opportunities for young adults!



More than 3,000 people between 16 and 29 in B.C. will benefit during the next two years from skills training and employment as part of a collaborative effort of the governments of British Columbia and Canada.

“Young people are the future and we need to ensure they have access to the skills training for Canada’s growing economy,” said Randy Boissonnault, federal Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Official Languages. “This funding is just one component of our work with the Government of British Columbia to provide training, education and opportunity to anyone entering the workforce, and connect thousands of young people across B.C. with new job opportunities and career growth.”

The Young Adults and Young Adults at Risk programs provide skills training and employment supports, which are based on the needs of each participant, to help overcome barriers to employment and give young people skills needed to succeed in the workplace and beyond.

“People are British Columbia’s greatest strength and we’re taking action to ensure that all British Columbians can reach their full potential,” said Selina Robinson, B.C.’s Minister of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills. “With this funding from the Government of Canada, we’re removing barriers and making sure young people can access relevant training to get in-demand careers that are rewarding, meaningful and build a stronger B.C. that leaves no one behind.”

Participants in the Young Adults program acquire new skills and get help with barriers they face, including lack of job-related skills, work experience, suitable clothing, transportation and child care requirements that may be holding them back. These participants are typically motivated and employment-ready, but happen to be unemployed or want positions with more job security.

The Young Adults At Risk program has a similar focus. It differs in that participants are not considered to be employment-ready due to complex barriers, such as housing instability, criminal records, incomplete high school education, addiction recovery or mental-health challenges.

These confidence-building programs for young people offer a wide variety of opportunities to learn new skills and train for careers in areas such as early childhood education assistants, work-camp kitchen cooks and caterers, or boat and marine-service technicians. Young people seeking greater job security can boost their skills to match new jobs and high-opportunity careers in growing sectors, while public, private and non-profit employers find the skilled workers they need.

“I have learned so much about the child care industry – health and safety, communication techniques, professionalism – from our workshops and collaborative efforts with my peers,” said Jermaine Romano, who has experienced the benefits of these programs. “Just as important, I have learned about myself. I have gained self-awareness and a clear understanding on what I value in life, both personally and professionally, which I could not say before my participation in the early childhood education assistant training program.”

This program is funded by a $15-million commitment for the young-adult programs in fiscal 2023-24, provided by the Government of Canada through the Canada-British Columbia Workforce Development Agreement (WDA). The WDA provides gainful opportunities for workers and helps employers find the people they need to drive B.C.’s economy forward.

Learn More:

Visit Skills Training for Employment Program for more information about the Young Adults and the Young Adults at Risk streams:


*** We can’t wait to share all the good work and skills training Young Adults in Princeton & Area have been Engaged In!

LEVEL 1 FIRST AID – Upcoming Class

Saturday November 18, 2023


Call 250-295-4051 for Registration and Details

September is B.C. Disability Employment Month

laptop with assistive technology

Every September, B.C. Disability Employment Month highlights the significant role people with disabilities play in B.C.’s workforce. During the month, employers can learn about resources to reduce barriers to inclusion. And people with disabilities can discover supportive services to help build their careers.

Between April 2022 and March 2023: 

  • WorkBC supported over 4,600 people with disabilities through their first year of employment.
  • Community and Employer Partnerships projects provided more than $5 million in financial supports to over 620 participants with disabilities. 

Resources for employers

An inclusive workplace is the foundation for a healthy work culture and engaged employees. Inclusion creates a sense of belonging, improves leadership skills and enhances collaboration. 

Learn more:

Resources for people with disabilities

There are resources to help you get where you want to be in your career. 


Upcoming Training Opportunities



First Aid Training

OFA Level 1

September 29, 2023 (Friday)

$175.00 + GST

Traffic Control Person

September 18 & 19, 2023 (Monday/Tuesday)

$400.00 + GST

Airbrakes Certification

September 26 & 27, 2023

$400.00 + GST