COVID-19 | We have opened our office again and have implemented some COVID-19 safety protocols. Learn More

June 1 Planned Re-Opening

Well it is finally happening.  BC is going to gradually open back up for business and services and we are moving in this forward direction as well. We are thrilled to be able to re-open our doors to our community!

We will be planning for a June 1 reopening of our doors to the WorkBC Resource Centre and our meeting and office services….with modifications.

  • There WILL be barriers & separation in place to protect staff and customers;
  • There WILL be limits on the number of people in the centre and how they enter and exit the building;
  • There WILL be administrative protocols in place such as signage to remind you of SOCIAL DISTANCING, PROPER COUGHING & SNEEZING ETIQUETTE, HANDWASHING / SANITIZING;
  • There WILL be regular cleaning and sanitizing of frequently used surfaces such as counters, computers and printers.

We are planning on future training courses within protocols and these things are still under examination and discussion.

As always, we WILL be happy to see you and happy to serve you.