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The WorkBC Find Your Fit Tour is an interactive student based event taking place at Princeton Secondary School on February 6, 2018  from 3:30pm – 7:00pm for students/parents and community members. The event allows students to jump right in and try the skills they’ll need for different careers in demand across BC. Interactive activity stations including welding, carpentry, accounting, and more will help students apply real life experiences to their career planning. Students will also be able to connect with WorkBC’s labour market information, tools and services. Parents are also welcome to attend the event, as they look for ways to educate and support their children in their career exploration.

Find Your Fit is part of the provincial government’s B.C.’s Skills for Jobs Blueprint commitment to re-engineer education and deliver the skilled workforce B.C.’s growing economy needs.

Drop in and explore the program and discover how to ‘find your fit’ for a career! 

DEAR EMPLOYER: Please Define “Ideal”… Sincerely, JOB SEEKER xox

Are “Ideal” candidates even a thing? Would an EMPLOYER even recognize this “Ideal” if it hit em in the face? Is there a test for Idealism and company fit? Flip it to the Job Seeker… Like how do you know you’re IDEAL? Is a feeling or a hunch?    Do people call you up and say… “Hey … you’re Ideal” or “Seriously… DUDE you’re IDEAL”! I think the term Employers are looking for is ROCK STAR!

Listen we get it… Workplace Culture is a BIG DEAL!  Employers are hungrier NOW more than ever to fill their staff room with “ROCK STARS”!   They have a rapidly changing world of goods and services to deliver to and require a team of emotionally intelligent, bright, curious, problem solving ROCK STARS!  Here is the hard part… they have to keep these ROCK STARS… or RETAIN them.  It’s a competitive world out there and ALL STAR companies know how to poach this talent.  Employers need to keep ROCK STARS well paid and satiated, mentored, challenged and ohh soo sharp!  For what ever reason… there is always a shift in the labour market and ROCK STARS leave… the employer is faced with the big challenge of filling those Goliath shoes. Enter the unrealistic “IDEAL” or “ROCK STAR” or “SUPER STAR” term!

Employers have labour needs all the time! They result from predicted and un-predicted growth and production opportunities ( temporary problems) to solve everyday!  These problems usually create a shift in work load and job creation is born, resulting in the need for new problem solvers (AKA employee’s).   So the employer puts the “CASTING CALL” out.  First; to their most famous ROCK-STARS on their existing team…. they know talent hangs with talent… so they ask… “HEY… if you know of anyone…” second, they do their best to put the call out via job posting…  traditional, boring, time consuming and not an  “IDEAL” to attract Talent. 

So let us all agree that a Job postings is simply a Wish List for a ROCK STAR…  and the IDEAL candidate may be a ROCK STAR waiting to be discovered.   Interviewing candidates is a skill and a talent very few people have, and we are not evce sure its the best way to attract or invite this elusive talent pool. It can be a case of  the right(ish) person, right time, sometimes showy smooth talking person not right time, and sometimes you get the  over selling and under delivering MILLI-  VANILLI version of a ROCK STAR. Our favorite… when employers are looking for a 4 headed Unicorn dressed as the Jolly Green Giant in a field of Lucky Charms while Repairing their NASA flight ship!

We are really just asking for Employers and Job Seekers… to have authentic and realistic conversations about the workload ,workplace culture, organizational fit, their skills and needs for both remuneration and performance.  Let the deliverables of both the Employer and Employee be of Value and Above & Beyond All Expectations! May Employers find their own ROCK STAR qualities… perhaps these people will form a memorable union!






SUCCESS… is where preparation & opportunity meet!


We know that Success is happening for people everyday and we really want to share a few training sessions we have coming up to help you prepare for SUCCESS on the job!  Thought leaders believe there are three elements critical to this equation: Timing, Preparation and Passion! Let us help you with the Prep work involved in growing your career or training your workforce! We have a great line up of courses to offer you in at The Princeton & District Community Skills Centre!

Check out what we have in store:


  1. 17th: Occupational First Aid Level 1: Basic First Aid with Adult CPR-A & AED 130.00 +GST
  2. 20th: Community Care First Aid: Great for Mum’s with toddlers and Day Care Workers! 130.00+GST
  3. 28th: Bullying & Harassment: An opportunity to know the law and your rights and responsibilities as both Employees and Employers.
  • AM 9-12 Employees $ 50.00 + GST 
  • PM 1-5 Managers & Supervisors $145.00 GST

Additionally, check out our online partner Education To Go for over 300 skill building training course that you can complete from the convenience of your own computer!

Call us today @ 250-295-4051

The Job Market is demanding DRIVERS LICENSES!!!

Our Local and Regional Labour Markets are experiencing a desperate need for Licensed Drivers.  Class 1, 2 3, and 5 licenses are in demand!!!  Even entry level production workers need to produce a drivers license… WHY would you need a drivers license to be in production??? Well it is what the license says… it tells employers that you have maintained a level of wellness to protect your license, and it indicates that your life has been managed somewhat.  So our best advice moving into employment is to obtain a license ASAP, and PROTECT it! Get studying for your learners as fast as humanly possible… make the commitment to practice, and for heavens sake… keep the darn thing VALID! Check out the link for more info!

BC Driver Licensing Branch ICBC

Microsoft Office Sampler

Has it been a few years since you worked with Microsoft Office? Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Outlook have changed in the last few years. Version 2013 is the backdrop and each day we will learn each program building on your effectiveness and employment skills. 

January 22-26, 2018

6:00-8:00 pm

$120.00 +GST


A Happy New Year Human Improvement Project!

People are designed for improvement… like a fine wine they say!  Don’t we all want to start this new year with some goals and aspirations for a healthier and happier life?  What actions are  you willing to take to make sure 2018 is the best yet?  Who is on your team? What conversations have you had with your inner circle about improving yourself?  We know that Self Awareness is at the heart of Emotional Intelligence, Personal Growth and Leadership… but why is it so hard to ask the questions that could unlock a few truths to your success?  It’s because its Prickly… its unlocking Vulnerability, and looking Perfectly Un-perfect.  Do you want in on a Big… big… big… truth???  We humans like stories of vulnerability, loss, growth, success and improvement; its a sign of strength they say if you can share your “Screw-Ups” and share your goals without risking judgement.  So if Success was the only option… What would your One Career Goal be?

We have a few ideas to get those juices flowing and so does the Muse… Check out their tips here: Big Career Goal? 7 Steps That Will Get You Closer