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You’ve heard the slogan “gratitude is the attitude“.  Catchy right?  As a child you were taught to say Thank You, (at least I hope you were), when someone demonstrated a kindness or generosity to you.  What happened to that discipline, where is that muscle now?

We live in such an instant gratification society, and we are living our lives at such a rapid-fire pace that we sometimes are forgetting to acknowledge the people and experiences along the way.  

At the Skills Centre, we serve.  It’s what we do.  We help people looking for work, looking for compassion, looking for problem solvers, looking for information.  We solve problems daily for all types of people ~ accomplished business owners, workaday employees, down on my luck citizens, and even those that are stuck in a pattern of self sabotage.  We are thanked, tipped, and taken for granted equally.  We marshal on, we are grateful to serve.  Why?  Because when we give of ourselves, go the extra mile, help someone in need, we see their gratitude and we in turn experience our own gratitude for the blessings that we have.   “I cried because I had no shoes, till I met a man with no feet” (Helen Keller). See?

There are many benefits to exercising gratitude.

Gratitude makes us Happier, Healthier, Likable, Strengthens Us, Helps Our Career, Reduces Materialism, Reduces Narcissism, Improves our Spirituality, Improves our Sleep, Gives Us Energy, Relaxes Us, Helps us Bounce back from Struggles, and the list does go one.  There are so many reasons to exercise gratitude in all things. 

How do you exercise gratitude?.  Take a pause.  Evaluate all your daily experiences.  Look around, what do you see? We live in a beautiful setting, there is simply the physical world to express thanks for.  Thinks about the people you interact with daily, co workers, family, people on the street, shopkeepers.  Look intentionally for the kindness.  Its there I promise.  Then stop, reflect, and say “Thanks”.

Happy Thanksgiving Princeton & Area H!  We are grateful for you….Yes, ALL of you