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Princeton shows the “Heart of Community” in its Competition for a WIN in the Kraft Hockeyville Contest


When people of a community rally together it brings solidarity to the surface. It oozes a sense of pride and infuses visions of hope for a bright and promising future for the Town of Princeton.  Together this community is making the most out of its opportunity to make Princeton the Winner of Kraft Hockeyville 2022!

If Princeton were to win, the town arena would get a pre-season NHL game and a $250,000 financial infusion that would make a world of difference to the aging facility. The roof leaks so bad that hockey games have to be stopped to clean up the water.  Tires and plastic wrap are currently the band-aids of the moment.   The mezzanine and changerooms could use some help with that money, but the roof would likely take the lion’s share. BUT this is not the only win.

The win is important… but for weeks local heroes have been staging the scene to get into the TOP 4.  And then it was announced… we made the Top tier. In the last few days, the way this community has come together is nothing short of INSPIRED! Princeton and friends should be proud of the exceptional comradery felt in these times. 

Even in the darkest of times; the Fires of 2020 and the devastating Flood of 2021, people have stuck together, and helped one another and it is soul wonderful to see how everyone is working together in this competition! Below is our mayor leading the charge yet again with an Interview on a local radio show. Listen to the pride and authenticity in his voice, he proves to be a steadfast, truth-telling, dedicated leader with a legion of locals behind him 100% of the way!

The Princeton & District Community Skills Centre wants to acknowledge all of the heart and soul that make up this community! Sending out a BIG Kudos to our town, families, businesses, friends, and to all of those who still believe in the power of a small group of people… May this story of “Community Heart” be with you always.–AvrVyUSE42fnkBGcQvIaCSBVEYYf9UKGHVojbJw2OKE3s