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June 6 & 7 Mental Health First Aid @ The Skills Centre!

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is the support provided to a person who may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health crisis. The Mental Health Commission of Canada reports that one in every five Canadians experiences a mental health problem within a given year. While we often know a lot about physical illness, there tends to be less knowledge about mental health or substance use problems. This lack of understanding leads to fear and negative attitudes towards individuals living with these problems. It prevents people from seeking help for themselves and from providing appropriate support to people around them.

Join Us:  June 6 & 7th 2022 at the Princeton Skills Centre.

DESCRIPTION: A 12-hour course taught over a 2 day period designed to support participants:

  1. Better recognize mental health problems
  2. Increase knowledge about appropriate treatments
  3. Reduce stigma and increase confidence in helping others

*Participants receive full certification with the Mental Health Commission of Canada