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Investing in “Your-selfie”

 Self-Care, Selfish or Self-Full?

When is the last time you allowed yourself the time and space to Recharge, Refuel and Regenerate your vibrancy ?  Do you make  Self-Care a priority? Allow Mindfulness and Heartfulness to be at the very core of your leadership style.  When you take care of yourself, you give permission for others to embrace and honor their wellness journey. Being a leader in the Emotional Intelligence genre requires you to speak another level of language, and self-care, wholeheartedness and wellness is at the core of leaders of the future. 

Allow yourself the space to lean into new routines and habits that promote Vitality.   

We encourage you to invest in Your-selfie~  Radical Compassion is our duty, the tricky business of being a human can be messy and frankly a lot of work.  But we’re betting that you’ll show up  as the absolute BEST version of you; vital and more brilliant!

From all of us at the Princeton Skills Centre: Be Self-Full