COVID-19 | We have opened our office again and have implemented some COVID-19 safety protocols. Learn More

What we’re Working on.

Distant but Together… Beating COVID-19

A Message From Us!

Hello Princeton & District,

We are truly in a new time, and it is changing daily. We are working hard to ensure this website can be a trusted source for reliable information and employment supports .  Our physical office might be closed, but we are not OFF the job. Since we are not exempt from what is happening, we will use this website to unite us virtually.  Our commitment to you remains the same, just with some challenges.. Behind the scenes we are searching for job postings, employment resources, FREE online learning sources,  preparing communications, meeting with case managed clients virtually to assist with job search needs, preparing for some virtual workshops (more on that later), and continuing to provide WorkBC services as needed. We are mindful there may be layoffs locally, and that not everyone has a computer. To aid, for as long as possible, we will provide computer access, with limitations and modifications, BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.  Please note that there will be some screening questions to ensure safety.
Call us @ 250-295-4051 or email: