Thinking of Starting A Business?
Princeton has long been know for its Entrepreneurial Spirit! The opportunity to be your own boss may be just the right decision if you are redesigning your employment future to accommodate your Diverse Abilities.
This program is designed to make it easier for entrepreneurs with disabilities or ongoing health conditions to pursue their business goals by providing access to a network of business professionals and resources. Self-employment provides flexible hours, personalized work environments and economic inclusion for individuals who have a viable business idea and are ready, willing and motivated to run their own business.
The program offers assistance with developing a business plan, business training, business coaching and business loans.
To qualify for the Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program you must:
- Self-declare a disability or ongoing health issue
- Have a viable business idea and have demonstrated commitment through research, learning and planning
- Be ready, willing and motivated to run your own business
- Need additional support to build your business future.
If you have anyone considering business and would benefit from this program, share these details!