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Intelligence and the language of Feelings~

Why feelings matter.

All your feelings are caused by your thinking.

But it’s not as simple as trying on a new thought.

We’re not conditioned or schooled on paying attention to our thoughts and noticing what we are feeling.

We typically don’t like the way negative emotions feel, so a lot of our behaviour is an attempt to change or avoid them.

If you want to change your life, become aware of what you’re feeling in the present moment.

Want more abundant thoughts? What does abundance FEEL like in your body?

Identify your feelings as a vibration in your body. Describe it so you sense when it get activated each time feelings surface.

Start expanding your vocabulary when defining feelings.

Use the Feelings Wheel, created by Dr Gloria Wilcox, to explain your emotions around people and start to exemplify that it’s okay to talk about feelings.

This can help you gain a greater sense of control and develop a plan to move forward.

Take the feelings wheel a step further by identifying the feeling from how it shows up in your body. Give a name to those quirky triggers in your body instead of saying you’re sore or stiff.

This transformation you are undertaking will be one of the greatest contributions you make to the world.


#emotionalintelligence #feelingswheel #purposedrivenleadership #entrepreneurship #leadership