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In his bestseller, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”, Stephen R Covey outlines how Nazi survivor Viktor Frankl discovered what he called the “last human freedom“.  This was the freedom we all have to choose our response to any stimulus.  Frankl believed that in between the Stimulus and the Response, lies “space” or time.   This is time to choose your response to what has happened.  In our workplaces today, we encounter situations, co-workers and supervisors that challenge us.  Our gift, is that there is time to choose how we respond.  Those workers, and Supervisors who use that space and the Freedom to Choose their response, can contribute to a winning workplace culture.  The last human freedom is our Freedom to Choose for the betterment of the relationship and our own self improvement.


Gloria Steinem once said that dreaming is a form of planning.  Steven Covey in the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People said that all things are created twice.  There is the mental or the first creation and then the physical or second creation.

Change is inevitable.  Organizations that embrace change, even seek it out by creating visions of their future and then working towards these visions, are organizations that survive.  At the Princeton Skills Centre we are 20 years strong and are embracing our Vision 2020 mental creation of our next phase.  We’re dreaming, planning, and changing.  This is going to be an exciting time


You are the BOSS of you… RIGHT?  Do you know what your Career Highlights were this year?  When was the last time you owned your Career & Professional Development?  Part of managing your career is taking stock on your last year’s projects, skill development, and, setting some goals for yourself. We found this article from the Career Contessa that will show you how to DIY your own Performance Review!

Go ahead and be a PRO!


Mom & Dad gave you sound and solid career advice, but today’s job market and economic conditions might require you to look the other way and Break the Rules.  According to this article in “TheMuse” online publication , there are 5 Things you should be prepared to go against the grain.


 Break the Rules




In a small labour market like ours, many employers compete for workers.  Becoming an Employer of Choice is more than paying the highest wages.  We have encountered job seekers who have chosen to leave exceptionally paying employment because the work environment was unsatisfactory.  Employers have to pay more attention to the whole employment picture and not just the wages.  Here is our list of elements for consideration when working towards attracting AND RETAINING workers.


  • Fair wage/benefits for work type and comparative to the market
  • Employer adherence to labour laws
  • Clear statements of wages/benefits/bonuses – easy to understand
  • Proper training and safety orientation
  • Enough of, and good working equipment to do their job
  • Safe workplace – Demonstrated Employer concern for safety on the job
  • Professional workplace – aesthetics/mood of the environment
  • Clear job requirements and expectations – consistent reviews and discussions about performance – professional discussions
  • Security and sustainability of employment – consistent earnings to plan their lives
  • Respectful treatment from co-workers and management – freedom from harassment
  • Clearly communicated company rules and consistent application of company rules – perceptions of unfairness will taint the employment relationship: NO favoritism of any kind whatsoever
  • Freedom to work and make decisions about organization of work (not micromanaged)
  • Work that can challenge abilities/understanding/knowledge – eliminate boredom
  • Ability to pass knowledge along – participation in problem solving, training, team building
  • Understanding of how the work fits with the overall workplace and the plans for the future of the workplace – input into future directions/plans/products/markets
  • Opportunity for development and/or advancement
  • Safety in communicating with management the negatives – no fear communications


Effective September 15, 2016, the minimum wage to be paid to workers in BC has been increased to $10.85 per hour.  Employers must ensure they make these adjustments to their payrolls to remain in compliance with the law of BC.  The following is a link to the fact sheet on minimum wages for all types of occupations according to the BC Law.


Workplace Bullying & Harassment

Astonishing really how many times we hear about someone quitting their job because of some form of bullying or harassment from a Supervisor or a co-worker.  WorksafeBC recognized the prevalence of this behaviour in the workplace and its negative effects on the individual. 

On November 1, 2013 WorksafeBC implemented a legal requirement for Employers and workplaces to address Workplace Bullying and Harassment.  Follow this link for some very good resources and information.  One person at a time, behaving differently in the workplace, can make all the difference.  Be the Good.

Working with Millenials: It’s Not Entitlement, It’s a Different View of Work

Lately we have been thinking about young people and the workplace.  We’ve heard many comments about the “culture of entitlement”, but we wanted to question the level of truth to this popular opinion.  We we’re thinking that it is possible that young people view their work differently that those of us in the older generation.   What studies are showing is that millennial workers are looking for more from their employment than just the paycheque.  The millennial worker is looking for meaning, opportunity for development, and guidance from those who have gone before them.  From a BOSS a millennial is looking for help navigating their career path through coaching and mentoring, From the COMPANY a millennial is looking for integrity, flexibility, and a respect for worklife balance, A millenial wants to learn: technical skills needed in their field, how to be a leader, and industry knowledge. The challenge for those of us from another generation who are tasked with managing these workers, is changing ourselves and the way we manage.  We have an obligation to the next generation to help them be the best that they can be on the job.  This requires us allowing them to change the workplace as well. 

Read more from Gallup and INC.



It is surprising how many people QUIT their job over conflict with a co-worker or supervisor.  In this small Labour Market this can create more problems trying to find new work.   Conflict on the job is inevitable but it doesn’t have to be a relationship deal breaker.  There are proven approaches to addressing workplace conflict that makes sure both you and your co worker settle your differences without damaging your employment. Harmony in the workplace isn’t always possible but it doesn’t have to be painful.  Your 4-Step Plan to Winning Over an Angry Person ~ The Muse