Coming out of a Covid Coma

We are open… and it feels… well…different.  We are slower and more thoughtful about our interactions, we’ve increased our health and safety protocols, installed our engineered controls, all in anticipation to safely welcome you back!   As we begin to emerge from this Lockdown and move through the next phases of reality, we are noticing a slowness, a remembering, and re-learning.  This time collides with a season of what would normally be a fast moving spring and summer… its like the outside world and our inside worlds are a little out of whack.  Our muscle memory sorta needs a patient reminder to slow down,  embrace vulnerability and adapt to a different time.

The Conference Board of Canada has developed a series of webinars and podcasts to help our nation and its leaders begin to embrace, acknowledge and plan for the world that awaits.  In this Bright Futures Podcast, Health columnist André Picard joins us to talk about what we can expect as we move to the next phase of the COVID-19 crisis: the slow reopening.  What lessons have we learned so far? And will we remember them? How will we bring social distancing to the workplace?  And what are the “bright spots” in this? —the changes that are happening that have been a long time coming.

This may be a fine time for us to collaborate and immerse ourselves into these conversations, feel supported and move consciously out of this… Covid Coma, with a renewed perspective and a feeling of togetherness. Now, more than ever, we need an intentional slow walk back into each others lives, and a kind renewal of how we do things, with an open spirit for accepting change.   We have got this… See you soon Princeton!