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Make FUN a priority at WORK!

That’s right!   We  are giving you permission to be a Fun Seed!  Listen up Peeps~~~ Up to 80% of your life is at WORK… so… it is up to You to define how you look at your daily tasks. Sooo… go ahead and infuse humor whenever possible!

If you need some insight on this topic; check out what Liz Ryan has to say about Fun at work.  For all of you managers and leaders get ahead on the workplace VIBE and listen to how she speaks about “Culture Meters” and the natural “Human Power Source”.  We know work can be Fun, if you are using your passion and skills to create a project you all care about! Tap into the mission, vision and “brand” in your company and learn how to spot the “WoW” in what you do. 

FUN FACT: If you work 40 hours a week from age 20-65 you will work just over 90,000 hours in your lifetime… That is a whole bunch of Precious Time… and its on You to make it count. Come on… Get your SMILE 🙂 on!