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A Happy New Year Human Improvement Project!

People are designed for improvement… like a fine wine they say!  Don’t we all want to start this new year with some goals and aspirations for a healthier and happier life?  What actions are  you willing to take to make sure 2018 is the best yet?  Who is on your team? What conversations have you had with your inner circle about improving yourself?  We know that Self Awareness is at the heart of Emotional Intelligence, Personal Growth and Leadership… but why is it so hard to ask the questions that could unlock a few truths to your success?  It’s because its Prickly… its unlocking Vulnerability, and looking Perfectly Un-perfect.  Do you want in on a Big… big… big… truth???  We humans like stories of vulnerability, loss, growth, success and improvement; its a sign of strength they say if you can share your “Screw-Ups” and share your goals without risking judgement.  So if Success was the only option… What would your One Career Goal be?

We have a few ideas to get those juices flowing and so does the Muse… Check out their tips here: Big Career Goal? 7 Steps That Will Get You Closer